Summer Adventure Series 2025

This summer has a trip for everyone! Sign up today to secure a spot on one of these four trips.

May 10: Whitewater Rafting ($70)

June 18: Silverwood Day ($70)

August 3-8: Senior High Adventure Trip in the Bob ($215+fundraiser)

August 18-20: Cabin Overnighter at Priest Lake ($20)

Youth Ministry

“Be the branch. Grow.” — John 15:1-8

The Colbert Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry seeks to serve Christ by raising up young people toward maturity in their Christian faith and leading them to a lifelong commitment of impacting others for Jesus.

Join us on Wednesdays, Mondays, or Sundays at the Colbert Presbyterian Church Youth House! All 6th-12th graders are welcome. Regularly scheduled programming runs September - May

Get to know us more by joining our Facebook group, "Colbert Pres Youth Group!!!" or following us on Instagram, @colbertpresyouthgroup.

2024-2025 Kick Off and Color Games!

September 11th

5:30-7:30 Middle School

6:30-8:30 High School

Jr. High and High school students are welcome to join us every Wednesday night. Junior highers join us from 5:30-7:30, and high schoolers from 6:30-8:30 in big church and the Youth House (the portable behind the New Hope Resource Center). Our time together is spent studying and discussing the Bible, worshiping through music and prayer, sharing what God is doing in our lives, and of course, playing fun and silly games. 


Youth Group.


Breakfast Club!

Each Sunday during education hour join us for pancakes and fellowship in the youth house. You may find us playing Wii Sports one day and volleyball the next.

We are a lively bunch and try to live life to the fullest. We often meet outside of youth group for fun gatherings and special events. Each month's calendar will let you know what's happening in the world of youth ministry. Some of the things we annually do are... fall retreats, Youth Sunday, Service Crew at Camp Spalding, ski days, movie nights… just to name a few.




Youth Elder — Cassie McCloskey

Director of Youth Ministry — Marissa Kuuskvere,

Adult Leaders — Elyse Herrera-Bumpus, Abby Walalce, Josiah Hunter, Dustin McConnell, and Katie McConnell.