Adult Ministry.
Adult ministries at CPC provide fellowship and educational opportunities both on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Stay up to date on our current options by calling our main office or clicking the link below:
Youth Ministry.
The CPC Youth Ministry seeks to serve Christ by raising up young people toward maturity in their Christian faith and leading them to a lifelong commitment of impacting others for Jesus.
Children’s Ministry
Our mission is to provide opportunities for children and families to worship, engage with God’s Word, pray, serve and have fun together. Check out our Children’s Ministry page to learn more about all of the opportunities we have for your little ones.
Colbert Cooperative Preschool
Co-Op at CPC is a play-based, Christian cooperative preschool with an emphasis on learning and exploration through the arts, science, and nature. We are committed to valuing each child individually, and we are prayerfully supported by the Colbert Presbyterian congregation.