Our mission is to provide opportunities for children and families to worship,
engage with God’s Word, pray, serve, and have fun together.
Colbert Children’s Ministry
Our purpose is to give children the opportunity to know Jesus Christ and
develop a relationship with Him, as Lord and Savior. Learn more about our programs below.
Our Methodology
Trust that God is already at work,
Undergird the ministry in prayer,
Have confidence in the priesthood of all believers*,
Create a safe environment,
Teach Bible stories, principles and values, and memorize Scripture,
Help children apply what they learn in the Bible to their everyday lives,
Teach children how to use their Bibles,
Teach about and do missions and giving,
Develop a sense of family,
Be serious about our purposes,
Serve with joy,
Have fun,
Keep it simple,
and coordinate with, support and be supported by fellow children’s ministry leaders and leaders in other ministry areas.
* “Priesthood of all believers” is the belief that, through Christ, all believers have access to God and can minister for God. It is based on I Peter 2:9: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
Children’s Ministry Committee
Karissa Forsyth, Children’s Ministry Director
Sarah Crecelius, Children’s Ministry Elder
Erinn Koerselman
Elizabeth Peterson
Karen Simpson