Adult Ministries
Sunday Mornings at 10:50.
During the educational hour following the service, adult congregants can participate in one of the following groups:
Sermon Discussion Group —Small groups gather to discuss the morning’s Scripture lessons.
Coffee and Conversation — Meet new folks or circle up with long-time friends for conversation and connection over a cup of coffee or tea.
Household Habits — Parents, relatives, and family-friends involved in parenting will cultivate intentional community, consider best practices for telling the Story of Scripture to our kids, discuss habits and rhythms for faith formation in the home, and pray for each other and our kids
I Believe: Creeds and Confessions - This conversational approach to the creeds and confessions of our church is an entry-level class. This survey of some of the church’s rich historic documents (mostly born out of controversy), will help us to wrestle personally with our faith and clarify what we believe for such a time as this.
Groups will run until Memorial Day 2024
Saturday Morning Men’s Fellowship and Study.
Men’s Ministry supports men who are seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We meet for Bible study and fellowship on Saturday mornings at 9:00 am.
We are discussing our Christianity and daily journey with Jesus. We start with fellowship and sharing time and then usually have conversation around the lesson of the day.
Contact: Bob Perry
Saturday Men’s Fellowship runs September-May
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study.
Women's Bible Study meets Thursday mornings during the school year. This is a great way to meet other women in the church. We meet at 9:30 and share a worship time that includes praying for one another. We often break for a snack and then gather for Bible Study at 10:30. We are done by 11:30. Women are welcome to join us at any time, daycare can be available. Details of what we are studying can be found in the bulletin. If you have any questions, please call Becky Amend (church office (509)468-9923).
Women’s Bible Study runs September-May
Small Group Connections.
Dinners for 7, 8, 9 — What’s the best way that you can think of to get to know people? How about around the dinner table? These gatherings don’t have to be a dinner—your group can also decide to watch and discuss a movie, attend an event and have dessert afterwards, or play board games—whatever you like to do. The purpose is to get to know new people.
Interested? Contact the church office for the next signup times (509-468-9923). We will form groups of 7, 8, or 9 and help you get started.
Live Wires.
CPC’s 55+ community gathers for food and conversation on the fourth Friday of each month. Contact Penny Nelson at
A Company of Winnowers.
Meets every Tuesday at 2:30pm to join the pastors in listening to the Spirit move as they prepare for the upcoming sermon. Contact the front office at (509) 468-9923 for more information.
Contemplative Yoga.
Join Elizabeth Peterson this Lenten season for a seven-week yoga series engaging themes from Henri Nouwen’s book Spiritual Formation.
Wednesdays 9:30am beginning March 5th.
Please note this will be the final weekly series Elizabeth will be offering before shifting to monthly yoga offerings.. No experience necessary. Learn more at