A church in mission.

We desire Jesus' messianic purpose of being given for the world (Isaiah 61, Luke 4) to be deeply formed in us, and also lived through us. Drawn into the life of Jesus, we desire to be priests of the Lord who proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for captives, comfort for those who mourn, and who work to rebuild relational and systemic ruins of injustice.

The Missions and Social Justice Committee partners with the following organizations (and more!) to provide relational engagement and financial support to embody those purposes described in Isaiah and Luke.


Big Table

Big Table exists to see the lives of those working in the restaurant and hospitality industry transformed by building community and caring for those who are in crisis, transition, or falling through the cracks.


Camp Spalding

Camp Spalding and Clearwater Lodge is committed to providing meaningful Christian programming in an exceptional natural environment, where, away from their daily routine, people of all ages may encounter Jesus Christ and experience greater spiritual depth and renewal.


Family Promise of Spokane

In 1997 Whitworth Presbyterian Church (WPC) and eleven other churches joined in a program called Interfaith Hospitality Network, now Family Promise. The small administrative staff is now supported by twenty two Spokane area churches, including Colbert Presbyterian (CPC). Family Promise keeps homeless families together in Spokane and helps clients search for housing and employment.


Mead Food Bank

Mead Food Bank is located at the Methodist Church in Mead. It is open every Wednesday to distribute food and some clothing to those who qualify. Colbert Presbyterian has committed to sending 3 volunteers the first Wednesday of the month to serve from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Signup sheets are in the Narthex. The first Sunday of every month is Food Bank Sunday at Colbert Presbyterian. Please bring as many non-perishable food items as you can. 


Christ Kitchen

Christ Kitchen is a job-training project providing work, instruction, discipleship, support, and fellowship for women living in poverty in the Spokane area. 


New Hope Resource Center

New Hope Resource Center is a non-profit faith-based, ecumenical social service organization. It helps low-income families with financial emergencies such as utilities or rent, toiletries, and clothing, including seniors requiring assistance with chore services. It is based in Colbert, Washington.


Jewels Helping Hands

Through kindness, compassion, and respect, we ensure people who are houseless have their basic needs met- to survive, thrive, and connect to community resources.

Whitworth University

Whitworth University is a private, residential, liberal arts institution affiliated with the Presbyterian church. The university's mission is to provide its diverse student body an education of the mind and the heart, equipping its graduates to honor God, follow Christ, and serve humanity. This mission is carried out by a community of Christian scholars committed to excellent teaching and to the integration of faith and learning.

CPC Youth Mission

The Mission Committee financially and prayerfully supports our youth mission endeavors. 


Habitat for Humanity Spokane

The vision of Habitat for Humanity-Spokane is “a world where everyone has a decent place to live.” Habitat for Humanity's role in realizing that vision is expressed in its mission: “Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.”


Side by Side

We offer several programs and gatherings, each of which is designed to bring people both with and without intellectual/developmental disabilities together, to build friendships. People with I/DD often travel through life in a separate lane. We think life is better when we’re together.

Thrive International

Thrive International provides transitional housing to refugee and immigrant communities and empowers refugee women and youth to thrive.