Worship with us, in person and online, Sunday mornings at 9:30 am!


Upcoming Events

  • Longest Night Service

    Thursday, December 19th at 7pm

     This service holds space for grief, uncertainty, anxiety, and simply quiet stillness in the midst of what can feel like the holiday frenzy

  • Christmas Eve Services

    The Family Christmas Eve Service will be held at 4pm   . 

    Christmas pageant-style costumes are provided for all children who would like to participate in our reading of the Nativity story.

    The Lessons and Carols Service will be held at 7pm.

  • Ed Hour Resumes

    Education Hour will resume on January 12th. Stay tuned for the upcoming offerings.

CPC Commitment to Truth

As citizens of the Kingdom of God:

  • May we give voice to what is wrong, unjust or evil, but do it in a gentle way, without a hint of meanness or a spirit of retaliation. Amen?

  • May we point others to the truth by what we say and how we live, and may we be effective as salt and light in a bland and dark world by loving our neighbors as ourselves. Amen?

  • May we bear witness to the reality of the Kingdom by being human billboards for the Golden Rule: “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you” (Mt 7:12). Amen?

  • May we shrug off the temptation to cling to power, choosing instead the humble, lowly way of Jesus in our pursuit of justice and peace. Amen?

  • Finally, may we be good citizens of the counties and states and provinces in which we live, and may we remember that when values clash, our ultimate responsibility is to follow the way of Christ and the Kingdom of God, even at the risk of losing our own lives. Amen?

“To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.” Amen? “Amen” (Rev 1:5-6).

Thanks for checking us out

  • Our church is located on the NW corner of Highway 2 and Colbert Rd., about seven miles north of Spokane. We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30, both in person and online via our YouTube channel. Other information about our various ministries and servant leaders can be found throughout these pages.

    But right up front we’d like you to know that while we are grounded in the deep theological root system of the Reformed tradition, we also believe that God is always doing a new thing in and through the church that Jesus established 2,000 years ago. At Colbert that means we find our congregational unity primarily through our individual relationships with Christ, while allowing for considerable diversity elsewhere.

  • Here you will be loved and accepted for who you are regardless of things like your:

    Familiarity with the Bible

    Relationship status

    Criminal record

    Physical and cognitive abilities

    Body mass index

    Sexual orientation



  • We believe that we are all on a journey toward wholeness that involves being reconciled in our relationships with God, with one another, and even with our own selves. We are eager to welcome you into this community of faith where you will be gently encouraged to take your next step toward becoming your unique child-of-God self.

Sundays at Colbert

While honoring the many differences represented among us, we celebrate an uncommon unity found in our common identity as children of God.

We worship together at 9:30 am, young and old, both in-person and online.

About 250 people call this their church home. We range in age from newborn to nineties, and celebrate activities of an intergenerational nature. 

During the school year we offer an educational hour after the service that includes coffee and conversation, various discussion groups, and children’s and youth programs.

We are committed to doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.

Our Core Values:

-Servant Leadership

-Voluntary Simplicity

-The Integration of the Sacred and the Secular



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